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What I lacked in natural ability

I made up for in discipline

I wasn't the smartest

I wasn't the brightest 

But I was the BEST


- Grey's Anatomy

Blues for Sister Someone

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About Me

REJOICE- currently full of joy

Welcome! I am so excited to enlighten you on my global learning experience at Florida International University. My name is Jasmine Simone Engram. I am a travel guru, lover, scholar and future change agent. I am currently a senior and I will soon be graduating from Florida International University with my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I will be continuing a career in health, focusing on women's health and minority groups.

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The benefit of attending an international university, is the variety of courses offered. The Global Medallion program encourages students to go beyond the university's requirement and complete 4 Global Learning courses.

Forest Trees

Myth, Ritual and Mysticism

ANT 3241

This course by far is one of the most interesting courses at FIU. I know the title can put some people off. And I will say that I was also put off by the course name. I am a Christian and have attended Catholic school for most of my life and would consider my family to be a religious one. This course really helps you to understand people from different religious settings. It helps to understand how people view their world and gives you an appreciate of something that is unfamiliar with oneself. In this course we explored rituals and myths that are held by ethnic groups.


Health and Illness

CLP 4314

Health psychology is a field within Psychology that focuses on the behavioral, cognitive and physiological factors that influence individual responses to health and illness. Health psychology promotes good health, and the maintenance of quality of life. In this class, I learned how much I love the field of health. I understood what disorders and or illnesses affect a certain people. We covered topics such as risk factors for leading causes of death, stress and coping. In this class we delved into the topics of cancer, neurological and age related disorders.


Global Psychology

SOP 4731

This course examines the socio-cultural contexts that inform human behavior across cultures. Through the examination of specific influences (e.g. gender) on physical, emotional, and psychological outcomes and I learned to understand psychological and social phenomena from an international perspective. I walked away with a new knowledge about global psychology. Knowledge is power! 

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The Global Medallion program required students to be involved in a 5 point and 1 point activity.

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5- point activity

Globemed has ultimately been one of the best experiences of my 4 year college career. I was first introduced my sophomore year in college to this organization by my friend.  I immediately became invested in the Globemed's mission. I started out as the Co-Campaigns Coordinator and later became the External Co-President.


Globemed is a health equity based organization which partners students with grassroots organizations to address health disparities. Students are educated and trained for global health equity. Globemed at Florida International University is partnered with EDELAC, a non-profit school located in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. 

During my duration of my  time in the organization, I have went to two leadership conferences in Chicago, hosted events, coordinated service projects and raised funds for our partner school. We build a movement of students at FIU who believe in health and justice for all.



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SAFE- Students Alliance Fighting Exploitation

5- point activity

I became involved in SAFE because of the growing human trafficking epidemic in the United States. It affected me closely being in encourage with women being trafficked in Miami. In SAFE, I held the position of Secretary. In SAFE, we hosted seminars to information students about the issue. We also hosted Florida International University's first END IT MOVEMENT, which people all around the world support the fight in ending human trafficking. Individuals around the globe mark their hands with an "X".

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1 point activity

A doctoral student at FIU started an Instagram page called Woke Wednesdays for interested people to learn from one another about important issues in the world. What a great idea? This is a student-led and the great part about that is its an open conversation. It is also a safe place for students to become aware of different issues and different standpoints. I have participated in discussions about Democracy and Social Justice and various discussions involving race.


“What's empathy without activism?" That quote holds so much weight and meaning in itself. When trying to explain my month long journey I am always reminded of that one quote. For those who do not know, I went on an internship to Guatemala for a month with three other girls to work on women's empowerment and women's reproductive health within in the community and in our partner school Escuela de la Calle (EDELAC) and the orphanage El Hogar, associated with the school. In that one month we also started working on our next project for next year which will be nutrition, alcoholism and continuing women's reproductive health. This internship has been life changing and has put everything into a new perspective. Among the reasons for me to continue my journey is to become a doctor focusing on women's health and minority groups around the world. This month has been one of my happiest journeys I have ever embarked on, being that I was given the opportunity to go full force into health, the field that I have fallen in love with. There are so many amazing people and places to show gratitude towards. So I won't be able to give justice to this place. But I could not be more thankful of Guatemala for teaching me so much about myself, GlobeMED, my GROW team, the community and most importantly the people. There are so many outstanding, unselfish and talented people who work everyday towards the advancement and growing movement of their community; and those are the people who made those forever hikes, crowded bumpy bus rides to the school and the orphanage all worth it. Having touched many of the children's life was just a bonus.

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Rustic Beach Path


Global Learning Experience

My path towards graduation has been difficult. The Global Learning Program not only educated me about global awareness but gave me a network of people whom I would consider to be inspiring individuals. I will never forget the what this program has done to enhance my awareness as a future change agent. I will never forget the key people who have changed my life in tremendous ways. Through my leadership involvement in Globemed, I was able to gain global perspective. I was able to create a safe space for others to express their feelings freely without being shot down. Through the various global learning courses, I was able to get a better sense of global awareness. My involvement in SAFE and my internship, 
I gained the confidence in Global Engagement. Words could never do justice to the amount of knowledge and respect I have for this program. I am beyond excited to be graduating with honors in the Global Medallion program.

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